Este estudio no pretende ser un trabajo exhaustivo sobre la doctrina de la retribución divina. Solamente intento esclarecer algunas de las confusiones promovidas por ciertas sectas. descargar AQUI

artículo sobre las fechas de la muerte y resurrección..

artículo sobre las fechas de la muerte y resurrección..   DESCARGAR AQUI


I used to think that Verbo from the Latin Verbum was an improper translation of the Greek “Logos”, because I thought I was supporting Roman Catholic dogma. I even wrote about it in a book which was published back in 2002. Then I began to research the issue even more, and came to a startling...

The Removal of Jehovah from our Spanish Bibles

In an email conversation with a brother in Christ who supports the Spanish Monterrey Bible (a.k.a. “Valera 1602 Purificada”), when asked why it was I no longer supported it, I explained that one of the reasons was because of the removal of the Name of God “Jehová” to “SEÑOR” in all but 6 passages...